
Principal (A tournament):

Total prize fund 5400 € minimum.
If ex aequo, prize sharing at Hort System.

  • 1rst prize 1200 € (10 to 12 prizes distributed).
  • Best woman 80 € (Only if at least 3 women registered in the tournament).
  • Best veteran 70 € (Only if at least 3 veterans registered in the tournament).
  • Per category: 100 € for the first and 60 € for the second in each category. 

Accession (B tournament):

Total prize fund 2200 € minimum.

  • 1rst prize 500 € (6 prizes distributed).
  • Best woman 70 € (Only if at least 3 women registered in the tournament).
  • Best veteran 60 € (Only if at least 3 veterans registered in the tournament).
  • Per category: 80 € for the first and 50 € for the second in each category. 

Petizelos (C tournament):

Total prize fund 500€ minimum.

  • 1rst prize 150 € (3 prizes distributed). 
  • Best woman 50 € (Only if at least 3 women registered in the tournament).
  • Best veteran 50 € (Only if at least 3 veterans registered in the tournament).
  • Per category: 60€ for the first and 40€ for the second in each category.
Les joueurs primés, 2017